Armenia – A Country Providing Asylum
Based on universally recognized human rights, internationally accepted norms and national legislation, Armenia provides asylum (protection) to all foreign citizens and stateless persons who have been forced to leave their countries due to persecution. Those persecutions can pose a serious threat to the lives and freedoms of these individuals.
These individuals are provided with international protection by more than 140 countries around the world that have acceded to the 1951 Geneva Convention on the Resolution ‘’Status of Refugees’’ of UNO.
A "refugee" is a foreign citizen who, motivated by a reasonable fear of persecution, is outside the borders of his or her home country.
The reason for the persecution shall be at least one of the following;
- racial,
- religious,
- national,
- belonging to a certain social group,
- for political views.
On November 27, 2008, Armenia adopted the National Law on “Refugees and Asylum”, which regulates the asylum system, in which five reasons have been fixed for being recognized as "refugees":
- Mass human rights violations
- Widespread violence,
- External attack,
- Internal conflicts,
- Serious violations of public order.
Prosecution and application of a lawful punishment for a crime or offense committed by a person shall not be considered as persecution.
Providing shelter should be considered as a peaceful and humanitarian act.
During the entire period of the asylum application hearing (3 months, with the possibility of extension for other 3 months), the asylum seekers are accommodated in the temporary accommodation center of the asylum seekers, in the Special Shelters. The Migration Service provides them with basic living conditions.
If there is currently no vacancy in the Special Shelter, the asylum seeker/seekers will be provided financial assistance for basic necessities of life. 20,000 AMD (approximately $ 40) to the main applicant, and 15,000 (about $ 30) to each member of his / her family.
The asylum seekers who are not placed in the center are not provided with food or hygiene items.
Asylum seekers in Armenia and the recognized refugees have equal rights as foreign citizens residing in the Republic of Armenia on legal grounds, in particular, education, medical care, social security, employment, free movement and other rights. Asylum seekers also have the right to free legal aid.
Refugees who have been granted asylum in Armenia enjoy the rights established for foreign citizens in the legal relations related to the acquisition and privatization of real estate.
Asylum seekers and refugees, while exercising their rights defined by Law, shall respect the laws of the Republic of Armenia, the legitimate interests, rights and freedoms of the citizens of Armenia and other persons, and maintain public order and the security of the Republic of Armenia.